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Embrace The Shadows (Shadows Ascending Trilogy Book 3) Page 4

  “In three days?” Damius said incredulously.

  Nicolae just nodded. “I couldn’t leave her there. You know Vincent. I just…” Nicolae broke off and turned his face to the side so I couldn’t see the tears that formed within his eyes.

  I let out a heavy sigh and finally managed to regain control of my overwhelming emotions. And my demon. I placed my hand on my best friend’s shoulder, mirroring his own gesture. “Nicolae,” he turned his gaze back up to me. “We’ll get them back. We’ll take down Adrianna and we will crush The Syndicate.”

  Now I was the one that was reassuring and calming him down. Fucking demons and their volatile emotions.

  “Well, duh, demon prince, but how do we do that?” Damius crossed his arms over his chest and blinked at me with a blank expression plastered across his face.

  “Fuck you, vampire,” I hissed at him.

  He smiled. “Fuck you too, demon.”

  “Can someone tell me where the fuck Leo is?” I exclaimed as I looked around the room. “I haven’t even seen him tonight. Maybe he’s our traitor.” My words were laced with a growl as I faced off with Damius again.

  “I’m right here, you asshole,” Leo barked. “I was securing the perimeter and gathering up some Syndicate bastards for questioning. You know, things that are strategic instead of stomping around and attacking people.”

  “You motherfuc—”

  “Enough!” Damius shouted, his voice emanating so much power that it knocked Leo, Nicolae, and Drya to their knees. I staggered but remained on my feet. A testament to my level of power. “Leo, stop provoking Vincent. I’m so fucking tired of your selfish and childish behavior. We have much bigger things to worry about right now. Like the fact that both Kaniul and Lorelei are missing.”

  “Kaniul is gone as well?” Leo staggered to his feet, leaning heavily on the wall. “Fuck, Damius, did you have to make your concussive blast so fucking strong?” He rubbed along his forehead and winced in pain.

  “Yes, I did, asshole, because you weren’t listening to me.” Damius glared at his progeny. “Are you ready to get your head out of your ass and start acting like you’re a three-thousand-year-old vampire and not a child?”

  If it weren’t such a dire moment, I would have burst out in a fit of laughter. Somehow, I managed to compose myself.

  Leo rolled his eyes at the elder vampire. Still leaning heavily against the wall, he turned his hazel gaze toward me. “We need to figure out where their base of operations is so that we can plan an attack.” He spoke with his typical commander tone, taking on the role of master strategist with efficient ease.

  Nicolae regained his own footing and sighed heavily. “I’ll be your best asset. My connection to Layla is strong. Our bond is almost secure.”

  “You’ve said the bonding words?” I asked, surprise flickering across my face.

  His expression hardened, his aqua eyes taking on a haunted look. “In our dreams. It’s not as efficient or potent as saying them in person, but our souls are bound just the same.” His jaw clenched together as he once again turned his gaze away from mine.

  “Nic…” I trailed off.

  “Don’t you dare look at me like that, Vincent. I watched you for years with Lorelei. I know how hard it is, and I understand.” He let out a harsh exhale and ran his fingers through his dirty blonde hair. “I apologize for all the grief I gave you when she was younger. I know a fraction of what you are feeling now.” His voice broke.

  The heart that didn’t exist until Lorelei entered my life ached for my best friend and most trusted confidant. “Nic,” I squeezed his shoulder firmly and gave him a hard look. “We’ll get her out of Adrianna’s clutches. I know we will.”

  He nodded, still not meeting my eyes. “Layla has retained her warmth and compassion, even after all of those years trapped with her mother. I just—” he paused and composed himself. “We need to get her out of there, Vincent.”

  “We will, Nic,” I said with absolute conviction. “There’s nothing that will stop us from getting our mates back.”

  Nicolae nodded, his composure restored, and the stoic mask slipped back over his features. “Layla has given me their approximate location. She doesn’t know exactly where they are, but it will give us a good start. Without connections to Lorelei and Layla, we should be able to go from there.”

  I burrowed my fingers through my hair and let out a heavy sigh. “I will try to connect with Lorelei via dreams, like you do with Layla.”

  “Just be cautious,” Nic warned. “Adrianna is extremely powerful and is no joke. Kristoff is no slouch either. Adrianna hasn’t shared many powers with him, but just enough to make him dangerous.”

  “I think that we can handle Kristoff,” Leo spat.

  Nicolae rolled his eyes and threw up his hands. “Just saying, man. Don’t go in there with guns blazing.”

  “When have I ever went into any situation with—guns blazing—as you put is?” Leo asked haughtily. “I am the most brilliant strategist that this world has ever seen—”

  “Conceited much?” Nicolae muttered and I had to agree with him.

  “—and I will plan this operation out just like I did every other one. With the best logistical plan that I can come up with,” he finished with an air of superiority, not even missing a beat when Nicolae interrupted him.

  Damius shook his head and huffed out a breath. “Leo, just stop for five minutes, please? You’re making my head hurt.” He pinched the bridge of his nose between two fingers and pinned the Greek with a harsh look before turning to me. “Demon, are you under control?”

  “Yes, all mighty vampire, I am in control of my facilities once again. Thank you for asking,” I answered, my voice thick with sarcasm.

  “I could do without the sass. I deal with enough from Leo and Nicolae.” Damius let out a heavy sigh. “Everyone go and get some fucking sleep. We’ll meet at the council chambers in the morning.” He waved his hand in a dismissive gesture.

  Drya stepped forward, her eyes misting over as she finally acknowledged the destruction of her home. “I—” she swallowed and blinked back her emotions. “I’m sorry everyone,” she finished on a harsh whisper.

  I narrowed my eyes at her and shook my head in disbelief. “Drya the only way this would be your fault is if you let the bastards in. You were just doing what you normally do. No one blames you for that.” My words came out harsher than I wanted them too, but I was feeling the strain of my emotions tug at me.

  She shook her head. “I would never betray you. Any of you. You’re my family.”

  Yet, for a moment, something flickered on Drya’s face. Something that I couldn’t quite place, but it was concerning. What was going on with her?

  The clicking of rapidly approaching heels on the marble floor made us all jump to attention. My shoulders sagged in relief as Naomi rushed toward us with Nathan right on her heels. “Drya, are you okay?! We’ve been looking everywhere for you,” Naomi exclaimed and wrapped her aunt in a fierce embrace.

  They had taken to each other rather quickly, it would seem. My lips quirked at the corners, wanting to tilt up in a smile, but I just couldn’t let the expression appear on my face. My heart and soul felt empty without my connection to Lorelei. Since the moment we bonded, she had lingered in the back of my mind, a constant presence within me.

  Now, everything was silent. Darkness washed over me, bringing with it a large wave of despair.

  “I’m fine, Naomi.” A wry smile twisted Drya’s lips. “The house has seen better days, though.”

  Confusion flashed over Naomi’s face and Nathan wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “Drya has a dark sense of humor, love.” He placed a soft kiss on her cheek that had my clenching my jaw together in frustration.

  “Drya, I’m sorry about your home. We’ll make sure everything is repaired, of course. Now, if you will excuse me,” I said curtly and made a move to step back. Preparing to teleport back to my home.

  “Vincent,” Drya reached out a
nd wrapped her hand around my wrist. Her soft green eyes shimmering with her tears. “I’m so sorry,” she choked out. Repeating her apology from earlier.

  “Drya,” I said on a soft exhale. “As I said, this isn’t your fault.” I pulled her into an quick hug before pulling back. The contact sending a jolt of annoyance through my demon. He did not like contact with females that were not our Lorelei.

  “You’re hurting so much right now.” Tears fell down her face unchecked.

  I shook my head. “That isn’t your burden, little succubus.” I brushed away a tear and stepped away from her. “I need to go,” I muttered and angled my face away from her.

  Drya nodded and bowed her head as I disappeared and returned to my flat.



  Agony radiated through my body as I extended my arm and draped it over my eyes to block out the harsh glow of the fluorescent light. Time ground to a screeching halt the moment we appeared in the sterile room and I’d been unceremoniously dumped into the small cell. I had no idea how long I had been in here before I had awoken in agony.

  There was a twin-sized mattress caked with blood and smelled so awful I gagged with every intake of breath. I flipped it up against the bars to try to block some of the light and curled into a ball in the corner of the room.

  It was little more than a prison cell. A tiny sink and toilet attached to the wall and a shined section of metal were the only other objects in the room. Just outside the bars, there was a stark white laboratory. A shiver racked my body at the memories of Antionette’s lab where I had been imprisoned before.

  “Well, well, well, if it isn’t our little Nephilim Lorelei.” The gravelly voice that accompanied the haunting memories of my time in captivity pierced my eardrums and I couldn’t help the whimper that escaped me.

  I forced myself to remain strong. To not bend or break in the face of my newest trial, but the memory of the collar around my neck played on repeat in my mind. My hands rubbed along the delicate skin of my throat. The scars were all but gone, but the psychological damage remained.

  “Stay strong, Lorelei. They will come for us soon,” Layla whispered to me telepathically. She had done her best to comfort me, talking to me when she could, but it was never for long.

  Now Kristoff was here.

  “I’m going to have so much fun with you, my pet,” he snarled, and his face appeared through the bars of my cell. His dark, flat eyes narrowed at the mattress and he pushed it down. It landed with a thud in front of me, but I barely flinched. I stayed with my arms wrapped around my knees and made myself as small as I could in the corner.

  I shook my head, rubbing my cheek against the torn fabric of my dress. “They are going to murder you. Tear you limb from limb while you’re still alive. You’re going to writhe in agony before Vincent finally kills you.” I lifted my chin defiantly. “And I’m going to laugh the whole fucking time.”

  “Oh, my sweet girl. You’re sorely mistaken if you think your mate is going to get anywhere near this facility.” He laughed, his extended fangs protruding from his mouth as he mocked me. His hands gripped the bars of my cell and he pressed his face through the opening and smiled at me. “So much fun.” He blew me a kiss, shoved his body away from my prison, and stalked off.

  “You shouldn’t provoke him like that,” Layla growled at me.

  “I will say and do what I want.”

  “Kristoff is not one to mess with. He may not be as strong as my mother, but he is still powerful. In your weakened state, you’re no match for him. Remember that.”

  I buried my face in my hands, ignoring her words and turning my thoughts to my mate. My heart ached inside my chest. I needed Vincent like I needed air to breathe. Without his presence in my mind, I was quickly falling into despair. I never wanted to feel like this. To be so dependent on one person, but somehow it just happened.

  I couldn’t look back or even be upset about it. Bonding with Vincent had been the single greatest thing that had happened to me. In my fractured existence, I didn’t feel like I had a purpose or a place where I belonged until our souls connected. The only thing that had ever even come close to the feeling of fulfillment was when I played or composed my music.

  Playing that show with Vincent and DemonFall was probably the greatest night of my life. For more reasons that just the concert. My lips quirked at the memory of the night spent in my mate’s arms. The passion. The pleasure. It was everything I had dreamed of.

  Despair wrapped me in its firm embrace and swallowed me whole when I tried to reach out to Vincent. There was nothing. Just an empty black void where my connection with my dark Seraphim should be. Tears clouded my eyes and ran unchecked down my cheeks as I desperately tried to reach him.

  “Get up and fly on my Angel. Now sleep…”

  My head jerked up sharply at the words that carried on the nonexistent wind. Whispered so close to my ear that I almost felt like I had imagined them. But they were real.

  It was my mother. It had to be. I would recognize her lyrical, lightly accented voice anywhere. But how? She was gone. Had been dead for years.

  Hot tears streamed down my face, scalding my skin. I squeezed my legs tighter against my body, making myself as small as I could. My eyelids felt heavy, the remnants of a compulsion flooding my system and taking over my mind.

  It was my mother. It had to be.

  Before I could finish the thought, I feel into a deep sleep…

  Soft fingertips brushed along my cheek as his scent invaded my nostrils. Unique, woodsy and manly, it was all Vincent. A sob lodged in my throat as I struggled to open my eyes, desperate to see my mate. I needed to reconnect with him. To hold him and feel his skin against mine.

  “Shhh, Theera,” he murmured quietly, his fingers running through my hair. “Open your eyes when you’re ready. It’s been many years since we’ve dream walked together.”

  He was really here. I was dreaming, but he was here. In my dreams, just like he used to be when I was a child. “Vincent,” I gasped and ran my palms up along the solid wall of his bare chest. “Help me, please.” Desperation flooded my system, making my breaths come in rapid gasps as tears streamed down my face. I couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t think past feeling him beneath my touch and in my arms.

  “Lorelei, I’m here. You need to open your eyes. We don’t have much time.” He cupped my cheeks in his large palms and tilted my face up.

  Finally, my eyes fluttered open and Vincent’s face filled my vision. Red and black danced in his irises as tears pooled in his eyes. “Theera,” he breathed and pressed his forehead to mine. “I will find you and bring you home, I promise.”

  My hands pulled his from my face and I entwined our fingers together. “I know, Vincent,” I said on a shaky voice. Terror gripped me. What if they found him in my dreams? Adrianna was extremely powerful, and she could harm Vincent if she discovered him here.

  “Shhh,” he hushed me and nuzzled his nose against mine. “Layla and Nicolae are shielding us right now. They are the two most powerful demons when it comes to dreams. Nothing will touch us here.” He spoke low, his voice little more than a husky murmur as I felt his hot breath fan over my face.

  “We’re safe?” I whispered, repeating his words. My lips brushed over his, igniting my hunger for him. The desire that was ever present in our bond flared to life with excruciating intensity.

  “Yes,” he murmured huskily and swept my hair back from my face. His eyes blazed as they roamed over my face. “Are you alright, my love?”

  “Vincent, I need you. I don’t care if we are in a dream while I’m in the middle of a fucking prison. I need you inside me right now. I need to know that I’m alive, and you’re my mate.” My fingers curled into his skin. His chest was bare, but I fumbled with the button and fly of his trousers before he caught my hands.

  “Theera,” he growled, his chest rumbling in a way that caused a flood of arousal to radiate out from my core. “Fuck, I need you too much.” His lips crash
ed over mine in a brutal and punishing kiss. Lips, teeth, tongues all pressed together with desperation and raw need. He released my hands and I tangled them in his hair as he drew our bodies down to the ground.

  We were in our field of heather. The place we always met in our dreams. My safe place. The place I went to when I needed to escape from the world. My back pressed into the soft earth, the fragrance of the plants lingering in my nostrils, relaxing me and drawing deep into their spell. I arched my spine, pressing my breasts into his chest as he peppered lingering kisses down my neck.

  “I don’t know how much time we have,” he said urgently as he ripped the tattered remains of my dress from my body.

  My hand tightened in his hair and pulled his lips back down to mine. “Fuck me now, Vincent,” I snarled and sank my fangs into his lower lip. My tongue swiped at the rich coppery liquid and I moaned in ecstasy at his taste.

  His mouth curled into a predatory smiled. I pushed down his pants and freed his cock, wrapping my hands around it and pumping him in firm strokes. He moaned against my lips as he bucked his hips into my exploring hands.

  “Fuck, Theera. That feels so good, but I need to be inside of you now.” Strong hands circled my wrists and peeled them back from his cock. He worked his mouth down my neck, nipping, sucking, and licking the tender skin so thoroughly that I was writhing underneath him. My thighs squeezed tighter on his hips as I urged him to fill me.

  His back bowed and his mouth closed over my nipple as he thrust inside of my welcoming body in one smooth motion. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as he started a fierce rhythm. While his tongue swirled and played with my nipple, his opposite hand lavished attention on my other breast. My hips moved with his, driving us further and further into subspace. The only sounds were the slapping of flesh against flesh and the sucking his mouth on my breast.

  I chanted his name over and over, unable to speak anything more. My brain completely blank with the pleasure that his body was giving mine. “Theera,” he said roughly, his hips slowing slightly as he threaded his fingers through my hair and brought my head toward his. “You need to feed, to remain strong.” He urged his neck forward, the hard pulsing of his carotid artery visible under his skin.